Our Houses

Haven House

Haven: A place of safety.

Our Women’s Haven House provides the safety and assurance women desire while learning to live sober and begin healing.

Refuge House

Refuge: A strong hold which protects by its strength.

One of our Men’s houses located in Fairview. Refuge House takes pride in being a place where men can find their strength to endure and continue their journey for success.

Paragon House

Paragon: A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.

Another one of our Men’s houses located in Mt. View. This house represents the qualities of perseverance, redemption, and renewal.

Titus House

Titus: One who has leadership qualities and should not fear using his authority to build and strengthen others.

A Men’s house located in Mt. View. This house reminds men of the vital role they lead and must maintain for holistic success.

Berean House

Berean: One who receives the Word with all readiness of mind.

The first transitional house for Northern Alliance was established for those who desire a Christ-centered approach to live in freedom from addiction.


Sober and Secure Living

We conduct drug and alcohol testing to promote a sober living environment. Testing is performed upon intake and at random intervals. Each house is equipped with security cameras and on-site staff. Additionally, Resident House Managers supervise the residents in our homes. Our goal is to safeguard each house and ensure they remain safe and free from alcohol and drugs.

Community Living

We understand the importance of community for individuals in recovery and ensure they take advantage of every opportunity. Weekly house meetings, group sessions, and family dinners are just a few ways we foster a sense of community within each home.


Northern Alliance collaborates with DOC Reentry, Partners for Progress, CITC, Electronic Monitoring, and State and Federal Probation, among many other community partners.

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step”

— Martin Luther King